
Organising my website's repository

1 February 2022

My website is currently at its third iteration and has a unique design that I’m comfortable with. Before that, there were two other iterations — made from a boilerplate template from HTML5 UP. I try to make sure that the content in those (even since the beginning) was organised enough and easy to find; I’ve worked quite a bit to get where I am today with the website!

How things were

With that said, though, I’d argue that the organisation of the websites’ source code — that is, on GitHub — weren’t exactly that up-to-par as how I’d like it. Initially, since I had to rewrite my website from scratch, I’d figure that splitting the third iteration from the other two in a completely separate repository was the way to go. I’d named the two repositories website and website-archive; the former held the source code to the current iteration, and the latter the older ones.

The website repository was simple enough. There was nothing much to do but have the source code for the current iteration there. As for the website-archive repository, though, that was a little complicated. I had envisioned some form of semantic versioning the different iterations of my website followed — a v1.0, v1.1, then v2.0 for the next iteration and so on. I figured that the best way to make this happen was to split up each version into its own separate branch. This left me with a repository with eight branches; of them, some had entirely unrelated histories with each other.

The thought of changing

The thought of changing the way things had occurred to me when I started thinking that there must be another way to organise the source code. I didn’t really want two separate repositories and merged the two into one. A few questions that I had regarding this change included:

It took a while to experiment and eventually get to where things are now. Since this is quite a significant operation with Git, and I’m still learning how to use it better every day, why not create a learning log while I’m at it?

Starting to change

Merging histories

The first thing I had to deal with was merging the different branches. I had anticipated this to be the most complicated bit of the operation. Still, I quickly realised that that wasn’t really the case when doing it.

I began by creating a new orphan branch that starts at a different root:

git checkout --orphan main

The first thing I did was look at the branches available to me.

git branch -a
* main
  remote/origin/HEAD -> origin/v2.1

That’s quite a lot of branches! I figured that the best way to tackle this was to work from the back up — in other words, to work from v1.0 to the latest version. After a quick git checkout — a command to switch between branches — I can get started to v1.0.

I figured the best way to ensure that each iteration was isolated was to have a folder for each version. Seeing that the source code for v1.0 was all in the root directory:

├── index.html
├── assets
│   └── ...
├── ...
└── ...

I moved all the files into a directory I created named v1. Now, the root directory looks a little like this:

├── v1
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── ...

This would continue to be the pattern I went for the other iterations. I went ahead and created a commit for this change:

git add . && git commit -S -m "..."

A tip or two

The -S flag passed onto the git commit command signs the commit with a GPG key I set up. This verifies that your commit is really made by you!

And that was for v1.0! Moving on to v1.1, I decided to try merging the two branches just to see what might happen:

git merge v1.1
CONFLICT (file location): <new file 1> added in v1.1 inside a directory that was renamed in HEAD, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to v1/<new file 1>.
CONFLICT (file location): <new file 2> added in v1.1 inside a directory that was renamed in HEAD, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to v1/<new file 2>.
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Huh, this was interesting! It appears that Git noticed that I had moved the files to v1. Now that I’ve added these two new files into v1.1, Git suggests moving the new files into the v1 directory while preserving their location. That’s pretty smart.

To resolve, I accepted Git’s suggestion by adding everything and creating a commit for the change as I’ve done before.

Things were relatively smooth until I reached v2.0, where I encountered a slight issue. Since the file names were the same as the previous iteration, Git suggests merging the changes into the v1 directory. This wasn’t what I had in mind!

I aborted the merge and moved the v1 directory to another location to fix this. I then merged the changes; Git recreated another folder named v1. This folder, though, had the source code for v2.0. I renamed this v1 into v2, then returned the v1 directory. Now, I had things the way I wanted. Granted, I could’ve done this in a way better than the way I did, but it works! Now, the root directory looks like this:

├── v1
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── ...
├── v2
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── ...

The merging of the other v2.* branches continued as usual. Git picked up that the v2 directory was more similar to them than v1, so started suggesting that directory. How neat!

Combining v3.0

This deserved its own category since it involves connecting the website repository and pulling. I’d done this before, so I was a little familiar with it. Nevertheless, I was still a little hesitant just in case things went awry.

First, I added the website repository as a different remote; that way, I’ll be able to fetch and pull from there:

git origin add current https://github.com/arashnrim/website

Afterwards, I fetched the remote and made checked out a branch:

git fetch current
git checkout -b v3.0 current/main

Now that the v3.0 branch is created, I can merge the changes the same way I’ve done before. The only difference is that the files of this are different (since I made this iteration from the ground up with Next.js). This means that Git probably won’t associate these files with the v2 directory, so I’ll just move them over into v3 quickly.

Afterwards, to clean up, I can delete the v3.0 branch and the current remote:

git branch -d v3.0
git remote remove current

Tag, you’re it!

I posed a question to ask how I might still incorporate the semantic versioning thing, and someone recommended Git tagging. Thanks to them, I took a look at that!

I first began by collecting the commit identifiers of the last commit for each version. Afterwards, I created a tag by pointing to these commits:

git tag -s <version number>

Once I’ve created the topics, I can push them to GitHub. Since I use the fish shell, I can use its for...end operator to loop through each tag. How neat!

for tag in (git tag)
	git push origin $tag

The result

The result now is the repository you see today! All the commits have been combined into a singular branch. Since main is set as the default branch, a bonus is that all these commits appear in GitHub’s contributions graph.

It’s neat that the topics are also prominent, and you can simply download a copy of the source code from the point of the commit.


Case in point: is this the best way to do things? Probably not. At the time that I did this, though, it did make sense to do what I did. It’s essential to learn and grow from the things you do — experiences and mistakes alike — so I think it’s appropriate that this is a learning log!

This post sure was technical, but I’m interested to hear what you think! If there’s anything better to be done, my email or the feedback form below is always open. Thank you for reading if you’ve come this far!